I hope this picture of me sitting on a toilet in my front yard reading my Kindle makes Anthony Weiner feel better

Breaking: It was Weiner’s weiner.

It turns out that Congressman Anthony Weiner has a habit of online-only (yeah right) affairs, and the photo tweeted from his Twitter account of the bulging member in briefs was, in fact, the member of Congress’s member.

Anyhow, in order to make Weiner feel better and take some of the media heat off of him, I’m releasing this photo of me on a toilet in my front yard reading my Kindle.

I know what you are thinking… “Kelsey, what are you reading on your Kindle?”

Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to answer that at the moment, but I’ve hired a team of investigators who are looking into it.


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Could you live in poverty?

Poverty Guidelines
I could live in poverty. Sort of.

The poverty threshold for a family of four is just over $22,000. I sat down with my budget (on Mint.com- highly recommend Mint) to see how far $22K would get my family.

On $22,000/year, which is $1,833/month or $423/week, we could pay our mortgage, buy groceries, and keep our lights on and water running. That’s about it.

I’m not sure how we would even earn $22,000 because we couldn’t afford transportation to work. There’s just no money left for anything else. Not for health insurance, not for birthday gifts, not for any of the host of minor emergencies my family has faced in the last six months, including, but…

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The whole world…

…in my hands. Introducing Griffin Noah Timmerman.


Born May 26th, weighing a whopping 8 lbs 13 oz. A big thanks to Shawna Pierson of Shawna Renee Photography for snapping this great shot of G-money, Big Griff, Fin, Finn, or whatever we decide to call this little man….

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Glocal Challenge #2: Not in my backyard

US Poverty14.3% of Americans live in poverty. How many of them are your neighbors?

(This is the 2nd Glocal Challenge. Let’s Go Glocal together.)

Mom and dad’s dog got out.

I stomped across the frosty fields of snow. The remains of the fall harvest were under foot, making each step a search for balance.

“Zoey! Zoey!” I hollered into woods and across the empty fields.

Until now there had been no reason to knock on the doors of the neighbors. I had lived in the neighborhood for nearly a decade and zipped past the properties at 55 miles/hour. There aren’t even that many neighbors to know – maybe thee to four houses every mile.

The first door I knocked…

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Tom Hanks on Faith & Fear

Tom Hanks gave the commencement speech at Yale this year. He shared some interesting thoughts on Faith & Fear.

Since Saving Private Ryan he’s become a bit of a history buff, and I appreciate the fact he takes a longer view on current events. We’re in a rough patch and, unless you are graduate from Yale, you might’ve noticed it’s not easy finding a job these days.

The talking heads on TV spout the latest fears at us (America is done, move to China, the earth is toast, buy gold because when the economy collapses and no one has anything to eat or drink it will be worth a lot!!!!) or they are spouting off, red-faced about Weiner-Gate. (By the way I’m totally against the…

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What is voice?

“I’ve noticed that there is a…conversational feel [in your work], something that says each text was written by Kelsey Timmerman. Perhaps that is voice…What do you think voice means?” My buddy and fellow author/writer Chris Humphries asked this in an email the other day.

He explores voice further in a new post More than words on a page.

Here’s what I had to say to Chris about voice:

“When my editor sent my manuscript to the copyeditor, he sent instructions to “keep the voice.” There were several very specific instructions, but the one I remember the most was to keep the spelling of “fella.” Is that voice?

I’ve always adhered to the advice: “Write like you speak. If a word wouldn’t…

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