Benter showing me her greenhouse in Kenya
I visited GiveDirectly in Kenya this summer and write about them in Where Am I Giving? GiveWell ranks GD as one of the most effective nonprofits in the world. GD gives direct cash payments to extremely poor families and allows them to make their own decisions on how to spend that money.
I don’t think all giving can be measured, but GD’s impact can, and they measure it better than almost any other NGO. So when it comes to asking question about how to give and whom to give to it’s worth listening to their advice.
GD’s 4 questions to ask before giving:
1. Can I tell where my dollar (or pound, mark, etc.) will go? This…
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I’ve spent much of the last 15 years talking to people about giving, meeting amazing givers, and reading books and research about giving. I’m currently writing my 3rd book, Where Am I Giving? A global adventure exploring how to use your gifts and talents to make a difference, and since it is the “giving season,” I thought I’d chime in with a few things I’ve learned about giving.
(Note: Many of these are offered without context and some of them may even seem contrary to one another. I welcome arguments and suggestions.)
Giving Rules
#1 You can give more.
#2 Gifts can be as small as a financial donation and as big as a smile.
#3 Gratitude first, then…
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For the most part it’s a bad idea to show up to a disaster area to “help.” You’d just be another mouth to feed and keep hydrated. This is the case, of course, unless you have some special skill.
José Andrés is a chef who came to Puerto Rico organized chefs and served more than 2.2 million meals.
From the NY Times:
Since he hit the ground five days after the hurricane devastated this island of 3.4 million on Sept. 20, he has built a network of kitchens, supply chains and delivery services that as of Monday had served more than 2.2 million warm meals and sandwiches. No other single agency — not the Red Cross, the Salvation Army nor any government entity —…
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(Me reporting in Nairobi)
I was in Kenya for the election in August.
The day of the election and for a few days after, most places were closed and most people were holed up in their homes watching the election play out on the news and on social media.
The network news only reported on the results and the leaders’ opinions of those results. One candidate said that it was rigged and mishandled. The supreme court later agreed with him.
Meanwhile, friends who lived in slum communities across Nairobi were sending me pictures via WhatsApp of people who had been shot and killed by the police, or taken out of their homes and beaten.
None of this was on the news.
Some images on Twitter…
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