China, Olympics, and human rights…oh my!

Ricky Reilly might be gone, but the back page of Sports Illustrated is still pumping out some worthwhile pieces. S.L. Price wrote one about the Olympic committee granting China this year’s summer Olympics with the hopes that China would work on its human rights. But they haven’t. The Olympics are here and the international community and the Olympic committee are turning a blind-eye.

Here’s an excerpt:

China? In the seven years since being awarded the Games it has emerged as an economic superpower — potent enough to welcome the Olympics even as it freely flouts the Olympic spirit. Why should China keep its vow on human rights? No country will boycott the Games, and no sponsor will pull out of them, if it means…

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Writing under the influence

Hemingway, Thoreau, Emerson, Twain, and Melville are just a few of the writers who have NOT influenced me. I would never insult them like that.

I’m not sure whether it sounds more conceited to say writers like these have influenced you or that no one has influenced you – as if you are doing things with words that no one has ever done before (you trailblazer, you). If someone asked me who my influences were – and no one ever has because I’m not that successful – I would list the following, for better or worse, as my influences:

1) Some dude that wrote about paddling a canoe down the river that runs through his backyard with his son for National Geographic Adventure. The story taught me that…

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3,400 words…

That’s how many I wrote about the world’s largest dam today. If you look close at the bottom of the pic you can see fishermen catching the world’s smallest fish (note: you can’t see the fish).

Three Gorges Dam

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At war with China…

…and the chapter on China is winning. I’m on day two of pounding my head into my desk.

My mantra: Keep it simple stupid.

But that darn country is so complex!

Wish me luck….

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What’s really happening in this pic

I was scrolling through photos the other day, searching out details, and I came across the photo below. It seems like a nice photo of me and some Bangladeshi garment workers, doesn’t it? Well, you don’t know the whole story. I had forgotten all about it. Such memories are repressed.

The Workers

See that dude to the right of me? I don’t want to go into details, but as this pic was taken, he was trying to molest me. If you look close, you can see my innocence drifting away. Following this photo, he received a quick elbow to the ribs and then he disappeared, back to whatever creepy lair he crawled out of….

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A new category: Cat’s and their writers

Cat's and their Writers

The cat, Oreo, that let’s me occupy her house has now decided the chair – which was the only thing in the entire home which was solely mine – is pretty cozy. We’re sharing for now. But I foresee a future where I will write on the floor and she will supervise from above.

Oreo already dictates when I can and cannot work. Although, she did send me a Valentine this year, which makes her less of an evil dictator. It read:

(Outside) Today I though about clawing you to pieces and feasting on the remains. But I didn’t.

(Inside) If that’s not love, what is?

I’ve made a static page here that will feature cat’s and their writers….

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New World Vision Report Interview

I recorded another interview for the World Vision Report about Where am I Wearing?. We recorded this one from Ball State’s David Letterman communication center. If you’ve listened to the previous interviews there’s not much new in this one, but it is much clearer. All of the other interviews were recorded continents away over the phone. This one was recorded over an ISDN line in the studio and it sounds like I’m in the same room with Peggy, the host, even though she was in Texas. It’s part of a one-hour special on fashion that will appear on many NPR stations across the country.

I’ve yet to hear myself on the radio, which would be a hoot. But last week a fella…

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Happy Independence Day Kosovo

Kosovo has officially declared independence from Serbia. WAIW? would like to officially recognize the country’s independence. After all, if you don’t like me and I don’t like you why should we live together.

In honor of their move from “semi-autonomous province” to nation here’s a story I wrote four years ago about an overnight bus from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, to Pristina, the capital of Kosovo:

No Boundaries

By Kelsey Timmerman

Serbia Postcard

Cold colorless concrete. Oil stained pavement. Barred windows. Communism is alive and well at many bus stations across the world, but perhaps even more so here in Belgrade where efficient inefficiency, for the people, is at its finest.

“Pristhina, Kosovo, one-way, please.” I hold up one finger to signify one-way…

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