Ask your librarian to get "Little Princes"
Dear Harriette,
I wanted to tell you about a book that I would love to see the library have - “Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal” by Conor Grennan. I hope it’s the next “Three Cups of Tea.” I’ve followed Conor’s blog for years now. Basically, he was traveling around the world and decided to volunteer at an orphanage in Nepal. When be realized many of the children were victims of human trafficking, he decided to do something about it.
If you’re cool like me, you are on a first name basis with your local librarian and have her email address. I shot the above email to Harriette this morning. It’s another great way to spread the word about “Little Princes.” If you do so, report back and will count it as one of the 100 things that need to be done to rescue my blog from the Little Princes.
Let your voice be heard!