A year of giving: Team Morgan "the hitchhiker"

Sometimes in life you just stick out your thumb and see what adventures will find you.

That’s kind of the approach I’m taking to my year of giving $10 to a cause every Tuesday. I thought I would have to spend more time looking for causes to support. So far the causes have found me. I’ve supported groups helping in Haiti following the earthquake, and a homeless shelter in my hometown after my sister-in-law emailed me about a walk she was doing. This week is a bit different still.

I follow Matt Gross, the New York Times’ Frugal Traveler, on Twitter. Last week he posted this:

frugaltraveler Founder of hitchhiking site Digihitch.com gravely ill, needs help.

I read the story of Morgan and his tumor he named Buster.

My wife works at a cancer clinic and (I just asked her) she hasn’t heard of anyone naming his or her tumor. That speaks volumes about Morgan. So does the blog he started and that his family has taken over.

Morgan is a husband and a hitchhiker.

Me too. I think that’s why I feel Morgan’s story so much.

I know that he’s stood beside the road alone in the rain, thinking that no one would ever pick him up. Each ride was one click closer to where he is today. And today, he’s anything but alone.

Since I missed #ten4tues last week, I’ll be donating $20 to my fellow hitchhiker, Morgan, today. I’d be honored if you joined me.

Details of how to donate to Team Morgan are here.

Nathan says:

Hey Kelsey – It’s a great idea giving to this guy, as is your ten4tuesday. Very cool. I will tell Matt he had a positive effect on the world today. That’ll cheer him up–he may need it after someone came to our site today by entering “Matt is a Douche Wagon” into Google!

Kelsey says:

Nathan, Gotta love how people get to your site. I get a lot of strange searches for underwear. But “Douche Wagon”?!?! I might have to start using the term.

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