Traveling Fish & Swapping Tomatoes

I caught a bit of Michael Pollan on Fresh Air this afternoon. I love listening to people that tell me how crazy our world is. Some nuggets of info from Pollan:

– We catch Salmon in Alaska, ship it to China to be filleted, and they ship it back for us to eat. What, is there a shortage of American filleters?
– We import tomatoes from Mexico and we export tomatoes to Mexico. I would love to get a picture at the border of tomato trucks passing each other.

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Melissa says:

Is this an error? “We catch Salmon in Alaska, ship it to Alaska to be filleted, and they ship it back for us to eat.”

Not that I am perfect (hence why my master’s thesis says “excising females” instead of “exercising females”)

Kelsey says:

Yep, that was an error. I meant to say ship it to China. Thanks.

Excising females, huh? Don’t you need a permit to do that in Indiana?

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