Good People: A Doughnut Economy
What does an economy of living within the means of our planet look like? Welp, according to economist Kate Raworth it looks like a doghnut. Kelsey and Jay are joined by John Motlotch and Scott Truex of the Sustainable Communities Institute for a discussion on Raworth’s TED Talk.
Topics we discussed and relevant links:
- Kate Raworth’s Ted Talk, site, book
- How Scott’s focus on landscape design impacted his thinking and how John’s focus on systems impacted his
- More in-depth explanation of how the doughnut economy works
- How our economy/culture doesn’t give value to the environment and often people
- Problem of focus on short-term growth and how nothing in nature works like that
- George Monbiot’s Ted Talk: For more wonder, rewild the world
- Comparison of an economies of degeneration, sustainability, and regeneration
- We are dependent on biological system, but we expect it to adhere to our laws
- How earth is bouncing back during pandemic
- The Age of the Unthinkable by Joshua Cooper Ramo
- A not so invisible hand: How much is Adam Smith’s mom worth?
- What is the value of people?
- Growth isn’t all bad if regenerative growth and not degenerative/extractive
- Hope in the global reaction to COVID-19
- Harder to change a nation, less hard to change a town, less hard to change a family, less hard to change yourself
- Importance of cultural diversity
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