See Different

Take a moment to look at my site’s design. See that fancy Made in Label? The hand stitching? The clothing like tabs? The tape?

I love my site.

Justin Ahrens and his team at Rule29 designed it along with a whole lot of other promotional, materials, emails, brochures, and more. Their hard work has helped me reach more people with my stories. If I had to make a list of great things that have happened as a result of having a book published, meeting Justin would be near the top.

We traveled to Africa together with Life in Abundance to work on a documentary about life in the slums. Mainly I rocked my job as the intern to second understudy of the junior assistant grip in training (I don’t know anything about filming a documentary), but I had plenty of time to watch Justin’s leadership, compassion, humanity, and faith in action.

He is awesome. So awesome that he just did a TEDx Talk (above). If you don’t take 20 minutes from stuffing your face full of holiday treats and watch Justin talking about seeing different, I will personally drop down your chimney and steal all of your Christmas gifts, stowing them away in my mountain lair.

And if you like what Justin had to say, you should check out his awesome new book Life Kerning. My review is below.

Life is an art. Turn your life into the masterpiece it should be.

Often a well-designed ad is simply a slight tweak from perfection. In “Life Kerning,” Justin Ahrens drawls on his experiences as a designer and small businessperson to offer easy and concrete ways to tweak the way you work and live. As he states, “You are closer than you think.”

Life Kerning is useful.

I say “yes” too much. After one sitting “Life Kerning” helped me look at opportunities in a new way: Will I have fun? Will I make money? Will I reach an audience that will help spread my message? The next day I was presented with one of those “we can’t pay you what you normally get, but…” opportunities and busted out my yes/no “Life Kerning” lesson and took all the wishy out of the wishwashiness that too often invades my decision making process.

Ahrens makes the argument for establishing an advisory board — a cabinet of trusted peers who will shoot straight with you — and he presents you with steps and guidelines how to establish one of your own. Before I was done with this section, I had a list of possible people scribbled in the margins to ask to be on my board.

Life Kerning is inspiring.

So many business or self-help books require massive change. Stop checking your email! Work less! Work more! Ahrens doesn’t shout at you to overhaul your life or your business. There’s no lesson from “Life Kerning” that isn’t doable. And the knowledge that I’m closer to being a more efficient, productive, and balanced ME, made this one of the most inspiring books I’ve read in the past year.


Can you be my agent? Thanks Kelsey.

Kelsey says:

If you’ll be my sugar daddy.

Malayna Dawn says:

Kelsey, thank you so much for sharing that! Those children are all so beautiful and their smiles made me smile. Living in Sri Lanka helps me see differently almost daily, which is part of why I love it. But I also love the amazing people I’ve met through my journey, and you’re one of them. Rock on, my friend from afar!

Let your voice be heard!