Dude, you could win an iPod Video Nano

A few days ago I asked if anyone had any good ideas for a giveaway for the relaunch of the blog (which is going to be awesome by the way). Larry Olson at Wiley, my publisher, suggested he would pitch in an iPod video Nano. How cool is that?

I’m a bit jealous. I’m not sure how the giveaway will be decided, but I doubt you’d all let me get by with being the winner. Darn.

This could be your hand…

Matt says:

Um. Kelsey, the Nano pictured is a Generation 3.

Generation 4’s have been available for months.

Come on Kelsey, you’re better than this.

Kelsey says:

Maybe he’s donating a generation 3. I doubt it, but he could be.

I hope you sit on your Nano and it has to be removed surgically.

Let your voice be heard!