When does a trip to the bookstore become an appearance?

When you sit in front of stacks of your own book and hope the heck someone shows up to buy a couple so you can deface them with your signature that hasn’t changed since 3rd grade.

Anyhow, my first bookstore “appearance” is this weekend. Actually I’ll be doing two.

I’ll be at Readmore’s Hallmark in Greenville, Ohio, from 11:30 to 1:30.

I’ll be at Books-A-Million in Muncie, Indiana, from 2:00 to 4:00.

I also have plans to doing signings and/or readings at Indiana University, Purdue University, Louisville, Palm Beach (FL), Wright State University, and maybe some others. I’ll keep you posted.

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Nomadic Matt says:

oooo when do u go on opera?

Matt says:

That is awesome. Are you going to write something profound for each signing.

Like “Matt, never piss into the wind. Kelsey Timmerman.”

Kelsey says:

Nomadic Matt, I hope you meant Oprah not opera. I doubt I do either.

Perverse Matt, That’s eerily similar to what I write. “Matt, if you piss in the wind run backwards really fast, Kelsey Timmerman”

Kent says:

How did the appearances go?

Kelsey says:

I’ll do a post on it soon. The first one I sold 43 books in 2 hours. The second one I sold 10 books in 4 hours, but had better talks about the book.

Sitting behind a table like a schmuck isn’t the most pleasant of ways to spend an afternoon, but it was fun talking with people. It’s a little frustrating when you talk to someone for 20 minutes and they don’t buy a book.

Let your voice be heard!