Happy birthday to my wife!

Ain’t she gorgeous?


And what better time would there to be to share this reading that Annie and I wrote, which was read by a friend during the wedding? None. Here you go…

10 years ago…

Bill Clinton is starting his second term.

In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce they cloned a sheep. Her name is Dolly.

Chicago Bulls win their 5th championship. Michael Jordan is still awesome.

There is no Google.

The world is introduced to an 11-year-old magician in training named Harry Potter.

Titanic rocks the box office.

I walk Annie across the “Old Gym” floor during lunch to ask Kelsey if he’s going to the homecoming dance. I still take credit for hooking them up.
Annie tells Kelsey to pick her up at her house to go to the game. Kelsey asks why she just can’t walk since she lives so close to the school.
He has a lot to learn. He’s lucky she’s patient.

Over the next 10 years their relationship beats the odds. Miles are traveled between Wilmington and Miami, phone calls are made from Thailand. Kelsey teaches SCUBA in Key West while Annie trains dolphins in Cleveland.

They’ve been separated by states and countries, oceans and continents and still Kelsey and Annie remain Kelsey and Annie. He says that she’s like a fungus and just kind of grows on you.

On a chilly weekend in December, standing on a wooded-ridge in southern Indiana known as Hesitation Point, Kelsey asked Annie to marry him. After 10 years, Annie was still surprised. She managed to stop laughing long enough to say yes.

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Kyle says:

Happy Birthday, Annie!!

Janelle says:

Oh how sweet!!!!!! 🙂

Kelsey says:

I’ve been a husband for 9-days now…so far, so good. Janelle, I’m sure you’ll hear about it when I screw up.

Janelle says:

Oh you KNOW I will!!! LOL!!!

Lynne says:

She is gorgeous! Ken and I agree 100%!

Let your voice be heard!

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