If you thought this was a vacation…
It wasn’t. I worked my tail off.
The old laptop I brought on this trip has a grand total of 714 Kb left on the hard drive. That means it has room for about half of one photo.
Some more stats…
I’ve taken some 3,000 pics.
Written 2 Mb worth of notes (trust me that’s a lot).
Posted over 22,000 words on this here blog in the last 3 months.
Recorded over 12 hours of audio.
What are you trying to say here Kels? Are you looking for some sympathy? Or, a pat on the back, maybe?
What I’m saying is that I know that people will come up to me and say, “Sounds like a great time. Soak it up while you’re young.”
There’s nothing great-time-ish about hanging out at garment factories.
714kb… That’s dangerous Kels. You better back that thing up.