Ipod Promotion


Here’s How…

Step 1

Come up with a funny, clever, witty, insulting answer to this question…

What song is Kelsey dancing to in this photo?

(leave your answer in the comment thread of this post between June 16th and June 30th)


The wittier, the funnier, the more clever, or the more insulting your response, the better chance you have of winning.

Step 2

Send out an email to all of your friends about this contest with Kelsey cc’ed (kelsey@travelin-light.com). Something along the lines of…

Kelsey Timmerman, author of Where Am I Wearing? the best book I’ve ever read (if you haven’t read it you are a complete loser and we shouldn’t even be friends any more) is giving-away an iPod. All you have to do is visit www.whereamiwearing.com/ipod-promotion and leave a comment saying what song Kelsey is dancing to in this really weird photo of him wearing this really weird shirt.

The more folks you email (none of this bcc stuff), the better your chances of winning. So, if your song choice is lame this is where you can make up for it. (Your buds email addresses will NEVER be shared with ANYONE at ANYTIME.)

It’s that easy. All you gotta do is those two things and you might find yourself dancing like it’s the Bangla New Year as you jam to your new iPod. And not just any iPod nano, but one loaded with essays by Kelsey and interviews of him during his trip to the countries, factories, and people that made his clothes.

More goodies!

There will be only one iPod winner, but there are more goodies to be awarded…

(2) Rare autographed Advanced Reader’s Copy of “Where Am I Wearing?” Kelsey was contracted to write a 65,000 word book, but wrote a 75,000 word book that was trimmed. This edition contains those extra 10,000 words that were (rightfully) slaughtered in the editing process.

(2) Moju Project T-shirts. Their motto is “Buy a Shirt - Save a Life.” With each shirt they sell (or giveaway), they donate enough money to feed one orphan in Africa one meal per day for one month. How cool is that?

(2) Writerly advice such as never make up weird adverbs like writerly. Kelsey managed to get an agent and a deal with a respected publisher (John Wiley & Sons published Charles Dickens, Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Mellville, and Kelsey Timmerman? Weird, huh?) even though he lives in Indiana and had zero publishing connections. Kelsey will read anything up to 2,000 words in length that you would like reviewed and offer up any career advice. Advice will vary by genre. Travel writing and essays are in Kelsey’s wheelhouse. Erotica…not so much.

Here’s Harper and me explaining the contest…