If only I would have discovered Rolphing before I finished my book. I’m sure it would have taken my creativity to whole other level. Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda of Chad Vader fame spoke at the conference this past weekend and introduced a room full of middle-aged women to rolphing. Some of the women may have thought it was funny. I thought it was hilarious.
I’m not sure I’ve made it as a writer yet. Such things are like knowing whether or not a country is in a recession – only hindsight can tell. But I owe much of what success I have had to the Erma Bombeck conference in Dayton, Ohio.
It was there, in 2006, that I met an editor at the Christian Science Monitor who gave me my first big boy clip, which led to an editor at the World Vision Report radio program contacting me to record some essays for them. One thing led to another and by 2007 I had enough clips to be taken seriously by editors of books and magazines.
This year, the director of the conference mentioned me in his opening address. He…
At the Erma Bombeck conference in 2006 I met Dave Barry. This weekend at the conference I met Garrison Keillor of Prairie Home Companion/Writer’s Almanac/Lake Woebegone/column writing fame.
It’s one thing to have an idea in your head, but it’s a whole other (super cool) thing to hold that idea in your hand.
The heavy lifting of the writing process is done and I’m about to begin the very undigital process of marking my manuscript to shreds with a red pen. It’s due to Wiley on April 15th, which should be plenty of time to find the sucky parts and make them not suck and to make the good parts better.
There will be carnage. 13,000 words must die and I won’t hesitate to kill them.
Have a sneak peak…
The 1st word of the book = I
The last word = story…