Transitions Abroad
My piece on volunteering at Casa Guatemala that appeared in the Nov/Dec issue of Transitions Abroad is now available online.
TA is a handsome glossy chalk-a-block full of content. I’m not just saying that. You can go page after page without running into an ad. Good for the reader, not so good for the writer – the pay ain’t great. Even so, I’m happy to be a part of this issue.
The issue is titled the Responsible Travel Issue, which almost makes me feel like I’m something greater than a culture trippin’ Touron. Almost.
Here’s a passage from the Editor’s letter:
Travel has the potential to bring much-needed economic benefits to developing countries and to foster cross-cultural awareness, dialogue, and understanding—all of which make for the conditions of world peace.
I’m just doing my part to promote world peace. I also fight crime, rescue kittens from trees, help old ladies cross the street, and, just today I helped Frank of Elwood, Indiana, with his flat tire.
My Karma cup runneth over.
Let your voice be heard!