Big News: The Adventure Continues

IMG_2542 copyI’m on a flight to Dallas and I hope to God know one asks me about the book I’m reading. Why? Because of all the millions of books I could be reading, I’m reading the only one I wrote. Of course, maybe if I cover up the author photo, laugh really loud now and again, and pepper in a few hmmm’s of interest, it would be good marketing.

“You’ve just gotta read this book! This dude named Kelsey goes to all of the places his clothes were made….”

But this isn’t why I’m reading my own book.

My publisher, John Wiley & Sons, has asked me to do an update and revision. When Richard my editor called me with the idea he asked, “Do you think you could do a revision? Have any ideas for new chapters?” Boy, did I.

Between you and me, I’ve always felt like “Where Am I Wearing?” was incomplete. I went to Honduras because my T-shirt was made there, met a worker named Amilcar, didn’t ask him the questions I wanted to, went home and it bugged me that I knew so little about Amilcar’s life and, for that matter, all of the lives of the people who make our clothes, so then I went to Bangladesh, Cambodia, and China. What about Honduras?

What about Amilcar?

Next week I’m heading to Honduras armed with an 8X10 photo of Amilcar taken nearly five years ago and the location of the factory he worked at. This time I intend to ask Amilcar the questions I wasn’t prepared and deep down really didn’t want to know. Does he have a family now? Does he remember me? Does he still work at the factory? Has the job made life better for him and his family? Does he still have the Tattoo T-shirt that I gave him? I have so many questions for him.

I also want to share with him how he changed my life – the way I see the world, the way I shop, the way I give, the way I volunteer, what I do for a living. I’ll tell him everything.

I’m anxious to find him, worried that I might fail, and excited to bring my “Where Am I Wearing?” journey full circle.

What’s new?

In addition to the new chapter which will cover my search for Amilcar, I’ll …

… share my experiences visiting the soleRebels factory in Ethiopia

… include end of section updates on Bangladesh, Cambodia, and China. I will try to get updates on the lives of the workers I met, but it hasn’t been easy keeping track of them. In some cases I might have to write a general update about how life for garment workers has changed in each country. The financial crisis and increase in food prices have made things even more difficult for workers around the world.

… a discussion / activity guide for classes and book clubs.

If you’ve read Where Am I Wearing? what would you change? What updates would you want me to include?

Living the journey

I can’t believe I’m still living the Where Am I Wearing journey and that I’ve been able to share the stories of the workers I’ve met on the level that I’ve been able to.

It has been and it is an absolute honor. Thank you all for being a part of it.

Zane Moore says:

can you re-send me the story about the snake in the conoe

Zane Moore says:


Let your voice be heard!