Good People: The ripple effects of giving money

Give a man a fish? Teach a man to fish? But what if he doesn’t want to fish? Joe Huston, The CFO of Give Directly, joins Kelsey and Jay to discuss giving money to the poor and the positive ripple effects it makes in a community.


Show notes:
GiveWell’s report on Give Directly
How do cash transfers impact people who don’t receive them? (post and link to paper)
Review of evidence of direct cash transfers
Research Give Directly shares on site
Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America book by Linda Tirado…

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It’s HUGE to Feel small


I laid on the bottom of the ocean and stared into space. 

The surface of the water was so still and flat that it ceased to exist. The light of the stars traveled unimpeded trillions of miles, through the Earth’s atmosphere and 20 feet of water. 

I held my breath, the sound of my heartbeat joining the primordial hum of the Atlantic. 

I pushed off the bottom. Underwater like in space one is weightless.

That night off the coast of Key West, I slowly kicked towards constellations, no difference between air and space. I swam into eons and lightyears, not an observer of the universe but part of it. 

I stood in my…

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