The Kings of Fantasy Kingdom


Admission for one-day for one child at Disney World is $67. The average American family can handle this.

Admission for one-day for one child at Fantasy Kingdom in Dhaka is $2.60, a price beyond the reach of the average Bangladeshi family.

Fantasy Kingdom is surrounded by garment factories and rice fields. Many of the locals will go their entire life without taking the first step under FK’s bright, welcoming gates.

Today, for the price of one Disney World admission, I took 19 kids and one old farmer. We had the park to ourselves. There was no line. We were the line.



Roller coasters, playgrounds, and pizza filled our day. At times it seemed normal. And then the shoeless children, feet burning on the sun-baked stone, would start skipping. Or it would set in, “My god, this girl doesn’t even have a shirt.”

I bought her one for less than $1.

We live in a crazy, imbalanced world. It can be depressing to think about. But there’s no reason we all can’t have a little fun too.

For a few hours, we were the Kings of Fantasy Kingdom. And we had a blast.

Fantasy Kingdom

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Lynne says:

These kids will never forget what you did for them. Pretty cool!

Kent says:


Justin says:

My thoughts on this….. You are a great man for taking those people some place they may never go or see again.

Kyle says:

Yeah, yeah, very magnanimous of you. The real question, however, is how were the roller coasters? King’s Island or Darke County Fair? I always enjoy riding with first-time coasters. I’ll bet that there was a lot of good-natured screaming.

Cathy Hutchcraft says:

Who was this park built for? The statues on the outside don’t even lool like the people in the area.

You have found that you shirt has a heart and a face. You may never look at your clothing in the same way again.

Kelsey says:


Well put.

The park was built for the upper class of Bangladesh. It cost $200 million to construct. I can think of a lot better ways to spend that kind of cash in Bangladesh.

fantasy kingdom,wow it’s really thrilling,entertaining and felling the great a word……just imaging!!!

kelsey says:

(editor’s note: this post was not made by me, Kelsey Timmerman. In fact I’m really not sure what kind of crap the poster is trying to pull. The email address associated with the post is f*! What the heck? KT)

may be Disney and Universal put some of their money in poor country to develop. just because bangladesh poor, it does not mean they dont deserve to have a theme park. Not to mention ,country like bangladesh is poor because their big bosses (right countries) wont let them develop their economy. do you know how much they pay as interest for loans they get from Donor countries. Well said Kelsey. You should be ashamed that most AMERICANS DON’T HAVE MEDICAL INSIRANCE. perhaps disney or you can pay for those people. I think poor bangladeshis has as much as medical access like any American without medical insurance. Half the population does not have money to pay for their medical expense.

Kelsey says:

The Kelsey @8 above is not the author of this blog. In this post I (the real Kelsey) stated facts. I did not make any arguments for health care, the World Bank or IMF, so I’m not really sure what the above post is about. I recommend that the poster @8 read

Manobixz says:

You know, most of the people consider Bangladesh to be very poor but the fact is the titanic gap between the rich and the poor and the fact that Bangladesh has a digital gap too, makes this consideration strong. i believe that if somehow the gap,not all, could be reduced, then Bangladesh would no more be seen as a country which only runs through international help

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