In Relevant: One Day in the Slum
You won’t here me talk or write about my faith very often. In the January/February issue of Relevant Magazine which just hit the stands, I made an exception. I’m really proud of this piece. It wasn’t easy to write. Before you can be honest with the reader, you’ve got to be honest with yourself. I spent a lot of time staring inward with this one. I hope you like it.
Can’t wait to read it!
Wonderful Wonderful article Kelsey you really should be proud. Hope all is well you you and the growing family. LC
Kelsey, how’s this for irony? I was just going to email you about a book I finished last night that I thought you might find interesting, giving you a head’s up that it’s faith baSed but that you might find the take on injustice interesting. Then I see this. (The book, by the way, is Just Courage by Gary A Haugen, of International Justice Mission).
You did a lovely, wonderful, heartfelt job on this. I’m so thankful for your honesty. I wish I could have been on this trip with you and your group. Someday, Kelsey, we’re going on a mission trip together.
Laura, Thanks so much. I prefer the page to the airwaves.
Joanne, Thanks for the book recommendation. I’ll have to check it out. I think if we went on a trip together, you’d be an awfully lot of fun to write about. Let’s go somewhere with a lot of insects and snakes.
Nicely done, Kelsey. That was a great read.
Kelsey, the second time I went to Mexico, it was in the summer. Temps were about 120, and we were doing construction on a school for deaf children (I’d been there a year before.) It was also harvesting season for the fields next to the school, which meant that in addition to monstrous spiders and cockroaches our entire campus was infested with milo bugs. And when I say infested, I mean in our hair, crawling in our beds, in our food, everywhere.
You’d be very surprised what I can endure when God is with me. But I’d be glad to have you there to kill snakes.
Nicely done, Kelsey. That was a great read.
Wonderful Wonderful article Kelsey you really should be proud. Hope all is well you you and the growing family. LC
Amazing work. God bless you
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