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Grammatically speaking, my wife rocks

By Kelsey | June 11th, 2008 | 2 Comments »

I’m the dumb one. I’m the one who types “their” instead of “there”, “to” instead of “too”.

Annie is the smart one. She catches my elementary mistakes and secretly wonders how it is I can write an entire book and not have complete command of the English language. I wonder right along with her.

She hasn’t proofread the entire manuscript, but what she has she expertly edited for grammar, and more importantly to see if there was anywhere that I could possibly embarrass and/or shame her.

Her read (correction: I meant “Red”. There I go again.) pen is compassionate. She read:

Students might not care about the janitor and how big of a mess they leave for him in their dorm’s corridors, but they care about where and under what conditions his uniform was made.

She felt sorry for this fictional janitor toiling away unappreciated and suggested I change it to:

Students might not care about how big of a mess they leave for the janitor in their dorm’s corridors, but they care about where and under what conditions his uniform was made. Concerned tax and tuition payers are being heard.

Not caring about a mess is okay, but not caring about a janitor isn’t.

Her compassion and her grammar are two of the many reasons I’m a lucky fella to have her.

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2 Responses to “Grammatically speaking, my wife rocks”

  1. Melissa Says:

    What-no female janitors in your book?

    Just causing trouble;)

    BTW-I just bought a fair trade certified shirt (made in Bangladesh) from the Univ of Wisc bookstore. It actually cost $1 less than the other shirt I was looking at, but I liked the shade of red of the fair trade one better. It’s a lighter weight material but that doesn’t really matter tombe in a t-shirt. Just thought the cost difference was interesting.

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Melissa, Everyone knows that women aren’t smart enough to be janitors. Don’t they?

    Thanks for the tid-bit on the T-shirt. I’m guessing that most of the T-shirts in the U of W’s bookstore were made under conditions better than most. Thanks to the student anti-sweatshop movement many universities are held to a higher standard of who they license their apparel to.

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