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Writing advice from Dave Barry

By Kelsey | September 13th, 2007 | 2 Comments »

“Do things, not think things.”

Visit the humor writers website for more Dave on writing.

In the interest of full disclosure, Dave and I are pals. Okay, maybe not pals, but I did wait in line to meet him at the Erma Bombeck Conference in Dayton. See…

Registration is now open for the conference in April of 2008. Last year it sold out in 12 days. If you are interested in going, better sign up now.

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2 Responses to “Writing advice from Dave Barry”

  1. Lynne Says:

    Reminder: Have your “pal” sign a copy of the 2nd Peter Pan book for your mother.

  2. Kelsey Says:

    I don’t think Dave is going to be at this years conference. Sorry, you’ll have to buy the second book on your own. If you want, I’ll sign it for you.

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