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Write with the pros

By Kelsey | March 17th, 2007 | No Comments

Writers, need some practice? Wanna get your writing groove on with the pros?

Head to ficlets.

Here’s how science fiction author John Scalzi, one of the idea men behind the new site, explains Ficlets:

You, as a writer, post a very short (not more than 1,024 characters) piece of fiction or a fiction fragment on the Ficlets site. People come to Ficlets to read what you’ve written, and to comment on your piece. If they want to, they can also write a “sequel” to your story or story fragment, carrying the story forward from where you left it. Or, alternately, they can write a “prequel,” explaining how you got to where you are in the story. All sorts of people can write all sorts of sequels and prequels — and of course, other people can write sequels and prequels to those. What you end up with is a story with multiple authors and multiple branchings — lots of possibilities and surprises.

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