Where Am I Wearing?

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Where the hell is Lesotho?

By Kelsey | March 16th, 2007 | No Comments

I was browsing the racks today at Old Navy and many of their t-shirts were made in Lesotho. Leading me to ask the question:


I didn’t actually ask anyone. Although, it would be interesting to see if any of the sales staff had a clue where Lesotho was and if they even cared to know. But, to be honest, I’m afraid to ask. To me those Old Navy sales people seem to be intimidating bundles of youth and joy. As if at a moments notice they will burst into a song and dance about a sweater vest on sale in the young adult section.

I don’t sing. I don’t dance. But I do google. Here’s what I found about Lesotho:

- “Lesotho” means the land of people who speak Sotho
- L. is completely surround by South Africa
- L. is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 meters sea level
- Child labor is a problem in L.
- GDP per capita = $2,113

Lesotho. Now I know. Now you know.

Category: Travel, My T-shirt
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