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Where in the World is Miss South Carolina?

By Kelsey | August 28th, 2007 | 4 Comments »

Category: Travel, In the News
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4 Responses to “Where in the World is Miss South Carolina?”

  1. Kent Says:


  2. Kyle Says:

    Absolutely painful to watch!!

  3. Joel Says:

    but wait, it’s not a beauty contest, it’s a “scholarship fund” right?

    good thing, too. i definitely support more education for U.S. Americans.

  4. Kelsey Says:

    Annie told me not to post this. She thought it was mean. I told her this girl deserves what she has coming. Just as it would be stupid for a 350lb girl to be in the swimsuit competition, it’s stupid for a stupid girl to be in the speaking portion of the competition.

    Miss Teen USA should be a hot and smart. Unfortunately, hot seems to go a lot farther…Miss South Carolina got 3rd.

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