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What’s your favorite Tom Petty song?

By Kelsey | July 8th, 2008 | 4 Comments »

Mine is last dance with Mary Jane.

I’m off to see him in concert tonight in Cincinnati. Should be fun. I’ll scream like a school girl when he plays this song.

What’s with the corpse anyhow? I never quite got that video.

She grew up in an indiana town
Had a good lookin momma who never was around
But she grew up tall and she grew up right
With them indiana boys on an indiana night

For some reason I always think of Annie during that first verse even though she grew up in a town that was half in Indiana and half in Ohio, her good looking momma WAS around, and she’s not that tall. But she did grow up right, for whatever that’s worth.

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4 Responses to “What’s your favorite Tom Petty song?”

  1. Eva Says:

    That’s my favourite, too! I also like American Girl. Tom Cruise totally ruined Free Fallin’ for me in Jerry Maguire…

  2. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    It’s hard to pick one, but I’ll have to go with “It’s Good to Be King”. How was the concert?

  3. Kelsey Says:

    The concert was great. It was crowded and hot, but great.

  4. Lynne Says:

    Hey! I was at the concert too! What a coincidence. My favortie Tom Petty song(s):
    “You don’t know how it feels to be me”

    “Last dance w/Mary Jane”

    “It’s good to be King”

    I’m in my fifties and can still rock with the best of them!

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