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What’s your Wal-Mart ratio?

By Kelsey | June 25th, 2008 | 4 Comments »

I live in Muncie, Indiana, a city of 70,000 and we have two Wal-Mart Supercenters. That makes our Wal-Mart ratio 35,000 to 1.

If you take into account Meijer and Target, our big-box-stores-of-cheap-stuff ratio stands at 17,500 to 1.

What are your ratios?

I got thinking about this yesterday after talking with my publicist at Wiley. She told me that there wasn’t a Wal-Mart in Brooklyn, NY. That’s a world I can’t imagine. Where do people in Brooklyn buy all of their cheap crap and toothpaste?

Category: Travel, Country: USA
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4 Responses to “What’s your Wal-Mart ratio?”

  1. Your Publicist Says:


  2. Kelsey Says:

    K-mart? Please, that place is so 1980’s. And I thought you New Yorkers were so hip.

  3. Kent Says:

    Within the actual city of Toronto there is only one (way on the westend), and it\’s not even a supercenter. So that\’s makes the ratio about 1:2,000,000.

    Once you get into the suburbs, expecially in the norther Greater Toronto Area the ratio drops to around Munice levels.

  4. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    Wal-Mart ratio in Galveston, TX: 1:57,466.

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