Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

WAIW? on the Tranquilo Traveler

By Kelsey | March 3rd, 2007 | No Comments

Joshua Berman is the Tranquilo Traveler. He’s taken a honeymoon around the world, written award winning guidebooks, and is the champion of Volun-tourism. His Moon Handbook on Nicaragua was one of the best guidebooks I’ve ever used – readable, useful, and not full of clichés.

Yesterday he profiled WAIW?:

The Where Am I Wearing? blog will document Kelsey’s globe trot in a bold, individual attempt to connect producer with consumer. I think this trip has a lot of potential and look forward to keeping an eye on it.

Thanks, Josh.

If you are a traveler, a writer, or a mix of both, you should check out Josh’s Tranquilo Traveler blog. Josh is a hard working, hard traveling writer. I’ve enjoyed following his adventures. You would too.

Oh, that reminds me. I haven’t added any links yet to this site. Not sure if it’s much of an honor, but the Tranquilo Traveler is about to be the first.

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