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USA Basketball and…

By Kelsey | August 24th, 2008 | 4 Comments »

My shorts: Redeemed!

How much does it mean to me? It’s 4:39am and I’m wearing my shorts, proud as can be. In a way, I think I deserve some of the credit.

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4 Responses to “USA Basketball and…”

  1. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    What a great game! I haven’t been that on the edge of my seat for a long time. Dream Team or Redeem Team. Who wins, Kels? I gotta go Dream Team. Too big and too clutch for the newbies.

  2. Melissa Says:

    Ha! Did you notice the picture has you straddling a yellow stain on the concrete? There are so many things that could be said about that but I’ll leave it alone.

  3. dalton zahir Says:

    My friend , its your underwear made in Bangladesh .
    dalton zahir

  4. Kelsey Says:


    Check out the comparison here: https://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/olympics/2008/08/24/dream.redeem/index.html

    I agree with the article in that the Dream teams center’s would abuse Bosh and Howard. Heck the Dream Team’s power forwards would abuse Bosh and Howard.

    If the Redeem Team had Shaq minus five years and Tim Duncan, they might be competitive.

    Kobe vs. MJ would be sweet.


    Yes, the thought of the USA being beaten in a second straight Olympics scares me that much.

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