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Transformers, Made in China

By Kelsey | July 11th, 2007 | 7 Comments »

Optimus Prime Would you pay $4,250 for Jetfire or Optimus Prime?

That’s how much they are going for on ebay. This makes me happy because I own both action figures. Sure, they aren’t in the box and have each have swapped some paint with the Deceptagons. But still, it’s about time the world realized the value of Transformers. Although, I think we’ve over-valued them a bit.

Even if my figures were in mint condition, I would not sell them. Not because I have some sentimental attachment to them (I do), but because I wouldn’t want to take advantage of some schmuck who would pay any amount of money to get his hands on an original Optimus Prime (OP, I’m down with it!).

Transformers only aired for two years in the early 80’s. Their resurgence in popularity reflects my generations newfound buying power. 10 years ago OP probably went for a few hundred on ebay, but now you could go to the car dealer and buy a real car for what he costs.

What torks me off is that some dork actually bought some of the original Transformer toys and didn’t play with them:

“Wanna come to my house? I got Optimus Prime for my birthday.” And once at the house, “No…No, don’t touch him. He’ll be worth a lot of money in 25 years.”

That’s the kind of kid that needs the crap kicked out of him.

Wired magazine has a pretty neat write-up on the cartoon and the toys. Apparently, the toys came first and the cartoon was a marketing idea. I don’t care. I still love OP and his loyal band of Autobots. Originally, they were made in Japan, but now, of course, like shoes, they are made in China.

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7 Responses to “Transformers, Made in China”

  1. Melissa Says:

    This reminds me of when I have watched Antique Roadshow with my Mom. The person gets their item appraised and it turns out this piece of whatever that has been in the family for 97 years is worth $40,000 and the person says they could never sell it, blah blah….and my Mom will be sitting there going, “Sell! Sell!” It cracks me up!

  2. Kelsey Says:

    I’d watch antique roadshow if they had an action figure version!

  3. Kyle Says:

    Yeah, action figures would really spice it up, but it\’s still fun to watch some poor schmo get his jackelope head appraised.

  4. Kent Says:

    I should have used the “sound investment” angle when I was pleeding to my dad in 1985.

  5. Kelsey Says:

    Kent, that’s the angle I always played on Baseball cards. Of course, Dad always grumbled you gotta find someone stupid enough to buy them.

  6. jv Says:

    Kelsey, this is depressing. Most of my Transformers (dozens? hundreds?) are long gone — sold, trashed, lost. I do have a few, though, thanks to my mom. Incredible foresight on her part.

    I, too, played that angle on baseball cards. Which unfortunately didn’t turn out to be as great as expected as investments.

  7. Matt Says:

    I simply cannot wait for the Gobots movie to come out.

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