Where Am I Wearing?
Let your mind wonder
Thoughts on my WV interview
First off, if you haven’t listened to my interview, you stink.
Now that we have that out of the way…my thoughts on the interview:
The interview lasted about 40 minutes and they cut it to about six, which I’m fine with. It’s not like it’s the Kelsey Show or anything.
They did a great job making me not sound like an idiot.
I would believe anything that Peggy, the host, tells me – there’s just something about her voice. So, by association you should believe everything I tell you.
The interview was the most difficult one of the three because the connection was so bad. There was a major delay and it was hard to banter back and forth with Peggy. Editing took care of this awkwardness.
They had to cut parts on Fantasy Kingdom and my perceived interest in women’s panties.
The next one about my all-American Cambodian blue jeans should air in about a month.
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August 14th, 2007 at 9:34 am
ooo. Maybe they’ll release a DVD of the series with deleted scenes and bloopers!
Seriously though, you do sound intelligent and I’m looking forward to hearing more.
August 14th, 2007 at 11:55 am
I hope not. 40 unedited minutes of me babbling on all scatter-brained like would not be too entertaining or informative.