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The Office: A slob’s fight for survival

By Kelsey | July 12th, 2007 | 10 Comments »

Annie had a surprise for me when I got home – an office. She painted the walls, strategically placed the bookshelves my parents contributed, bought a desk and did what Annie does best – made things tidy.

It looked perfect.

And then it happened. I came home.

I’ve always described my dream office as being lined with bookshelves and a place where I could put whatever I wanted wherever I wanted.

I have lots of bookshelves, but that’s where the dream ends.

When I got home I started to fill the space. I put books and knick-knacks such as my lucky Tiki statue, my S.S. Cookie Hut cookie jar, and my autographed picture of Punky Brewster wherever I wanted. I settled in.

Less than an hour later I returned to the room. Everything had a new place. The cookie jar was no longer on top of the last book shelf, but on the second bookshelf on the third row. The books had found new much more thought out, neater homes.

It was creepy.

My dreams of a cluttered work space had been ripped away, folded, and perfectly placed right where it belonged – just out of reach.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my new office, but I am a little concerned about my fiancé and the years of counseling that it’s going to take for her to deal with my stacks, piles, and heaps of books.

The battle for the bookshelves has ended. The war for the office is about to begin.

Wish me luck.

Category: Travel, My Life
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10 Responses to “The Office: A slob’s fight for survival”

  1. Kent Says:

    Autographed picture of Punky Brewster!!!!

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Yep. Remember how at the end of each episode of PB they showed drawing of Punky sent in by her adoring fans. I drew a pic of her dog Brandon and in return I received an autographed headshot of Soleil Moon Frye.

    When I returned after a week of visiting my grandparents, Dad told me that my pic had made it on the show. I believed him. And then it hit me years later when I found the authographed pic, Dad wouldn’t watch Punky Brewster.

    I was devastated.

    He has yet to fess up to the fib. To this day, I’ll watch Punky Brewster reruns hoping to see my pic of Brandon at the end of the show. If only he would tell me the truth. Then I could move on with my life.

  3. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    Kent, we’re all pretty embarassed by Kels’ Punky Brewster infatuation. If you’ll take a moment to look at the pictures of Annie from previous posts, I think that you’ll notice that she looks more than a bit like Soleil Moon Frye.


    I think not.

  4. Matt Says:

    Kels, if you want, I can get you all the punky brewster episodes on dvd for you as a wedding present. Thats the type of friend I am. I\’m still disappointed Soleil got a breast reduction however. You weep for your drawing, I weep for her breasts.

  5. Kelsey Says:

    I’m afraid if I watched Punky today that the reality of the show’s greatness would not live up to the rockin’ Punky-powerness of the memory.

    What is Soleil doing these days anyhow? Is Henry dead? What about Brandon?

  6. Matt Says:

    I believe Henry lost the will to live after the breast reduction. R.I.P. Harry

  7. Kent Says:

    I thought I was the only Soleil Moon obsessed, can’t-let-go-of-an-80’s-crush geek remaining!

    Does Anne have a sister?

  8. Kelsey Says:

    She does, but she’s married. Sorry. If the Great Office War of 2007 goes South, and Anne cuts me loose, I’ll give you her number.

  9. Amy Says:

    There’s a NY Times article maybe you both should read. It’s called “Saying Yes to Mess.”


  10. Amy Says:


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