Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

The Maple Mammary recount

By Kelsey | January 4th, 2008 | 5 Comments »

The people have spoken. Their outrage has been voiced. They couldn’t believe that Mrs. Butterworth’s Boobs was relegated to the 5th slot on the most viewed pages of WAIW? in 2007. They were mad as hell and they weren’t going to take it anymore, so I recounted.

Mrs. Butterworth’s Boobs received the second-most visitors on any single day in 2007 (409). The most visitors in a single day were on The Adventure Begins post (598).

Whatever it’s worth, I’m naming the Mrs. B’s Boobs post the WAIW? Reader’s Choice Post of the year.

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5 Responses to “The Maple Mammary recount”

  1. Kent Says:

    Hey Kyle, we’ve been officially designated as “The People.” Do you feel as important as I do?

  2. Melissa Says:

    I was sick this past week and watched a bunch of old Friends episodes. There was one from March 2001 (I looked up the original air date for you) and Joey is practicing an acceptance speech for an award he has been nominated for with a bottle of Mrs Buttersworth’s. I have never stared so much at someone’s chest-I was trying to see if she had her boobs. It looks like she didn’t but it could have just been the angle.

  3. Kelsey Says:

    I saw an old Mrs. B commercial on YouTube the other day and really she doesn’t look much different than she does now. Could I be imagining that Mrs. B had boobs? I’m pretty sure I remember feeling her up at breakfast, but I’m not positive. Maybe this is just some kind of sick childhood memory I’ve created for myself. Anyone know and good therapists?

  4. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    Kent, we spoke up and made a difference. Power to “The People”.

  5. Kelsey Says:

    A note to The People…

    I can crush your movement and/or comments with a few clicks of my touch pad. I will meet any rumblings of a coup with firm, forceful, and really really bad ass unilateral force.

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