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Something I didn’t know

By Kelsey | December 27th, 2007 | 2 Comments »

Authors don’t typically get royalties on their works in Braille, large print, or any other format designed for handicap individuals.

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2 Responses to “Something I didn’t know”

  1. moonrat Says:

    but publishers don’t make any money off of those deals, either (it’s a 0% split in the contract), which i think is nice.

    on the other hand, i’ve never seen a successfully executed braille deal during my time in the trenches. unfortunate.

  2. Kelsey Says:

    I agree that it’s nice that the costs of such books are reduced. I wasn’t aware that successfully executed Braille deals were so rare, but maybe they would be less so if at least the publishers stood to make a little in the process. There would probably be a lot more books in Braille if someone were making some money somewhere in the process.

    I can’t imagine having the number of books available to me limited by whether or not someone went to the effort to make them in Braille. That’s a depressing thought.

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