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Publish me at your own risk!

By Kelsey | November 1st, 2008 | 3 Comments »

Over the past several years I’ve contributed multiple times to the Christian Science Monitor, a 100-year old international daily paper renowned for its reporting. This week they announced they are doing away with their print edition.

Recently I contributed to Conde Nast Portfolio magazine. This week the magazine dropped 20% of their staff and scaled back from 12 issues per year to 10.

I contributed. People got fired. I hope these are unrelated events.

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3 Responses to “Publish me at your own risk!”

  1. Eva Says:

    Wow. That’s kind of crazy about the CS Monitor!

  2. Melissa Says:

    Don’t forget about Glucose! Although, maybe we can blame that one on the picture of Kyle on the back cover:)

  3. Kelsey Says:

    Melissa, I almost forgot about Glucose. Oh, Glucose…


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