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Pay per hour to live and write a book

By Kelsey | May 16th, 2008 | 3 Comments »

After expenses, time, pain, suffering, and writing, I’ve made a whopping $7 per hour (so far) writing my book. To all those aspiring authors stocking the shelves at your local book store: it is possible to do what you love, work more, and earn less.

Living the dream!

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3 Responses to “Pay per hour to live and write a book”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Ah, yes…long ago I learned to not relate how many hours I spend on campus to my stipend. I also learned that the less I worked the higher my hourly rate is, ha ha!

  2. Lynne Says:

    Melissa…always putting a positive spin on things!

  3. Kelsey Says:

    Melissa, I thought grad students were loaded!

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