Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

My shorts, made in the USA

By Kelsey | July 6th, 2007 | No Comments

“I don’ feel real comfortable with this,” said Linda from Champion USA.

I have that effect on people.

I was asking Linda about my 1992 Dream Team shorts. They were made way back in the early 1990’s. So long ago, in fact, that they were actually Made in the USA. I told her that I was pretty sure that factory was not open any more given how the industry has changed, but I would like to know where it was anyhow.

“Perry, New York.”

That’s all I could get out of Linda. I tried to explain to her my quest, but I think it just makes my request to know where my shorts came from look crazier. In Linda’s defense, if some quack called me up and mentioned Bangladesh, underwear, and Tattoo from Fantasy Island in one breath, I would probably hang up.

Perry, New York, is located just south of Rochester. I hear that it’s lovely in early September.

Some would say that it would be a perfect place for a honeymoon.

Others wouldn’t. They might refer to the lack of anything romantic in the photo the city selected for the frontpage of their website (WOW! Cars and a street). Or they could point to Perry’s description of itself in which there is so much exciting stuff going on that they mention, “Municipal services include a police department, volunteer fire department and 24-hour emergency ambulance.”

Perry is pretty close to Niagara Falls, which is a favorite of generations of honeymoon goers. But still, it would be a tough one to sell to Annie:

“Want to go to Niagara Falls? It will be great. We’ll take a side trip to Perry. They’ve got a volunteer fire department and, you are going to love this, a 24-hour emergency ambulance! Woohoo! Can you imagine the time we’ll have there? We’ll even take a day or two and interview people who used to work at the Champion factory that closed leaving them jobless. It will be so romantic. I love you.”

Look out Perry! Here we come!

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