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My love and hate relationship with labels

By Kelsey | October 1st, 2008 | 2 Comments »

The USDA will soon require country-of-origin labels to be included on more of the food we buy at the grocery.

As someone who is more than a little OCD about country-of-origin labels, this excites and frightens me at the same time.

I’m excited that the grocery store is about to get a little more interesting, geographically speaking. But I’m frightened because I already spend more time than I should, jumping from wrack of clothes to wrack of clothes at department stores. Now, I’ll be doing this at the grocery, too.

Category: Travel
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2 Responses to “My love and hate relationship with labels”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Just think-it could lead to a “Digest of what I digest” tour!

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Melissa, Nice wordage, although somewhat unpleasant.

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