Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

My Christmas Inventory

By Kelsey | December 29th, 2007 | 2 Comments »

It’s day four post-Christmas and no one has entered the contest. Come on people. I know you are out there. I check my stats and I see that you are visiting. I tend to do all the work around here, now it’s you turn. Remember, you could win stuff and given the number of entries to this point, your chances are good.

Anyhow, I can’t complain much because I have generally been sitting on my tush playing with my Christmas toys, eating, and pretending that I have nothing else in the world to do. Even though big, big things are looming. But I’ve finally got around to completing my inventory.

A few notes:

- It may be perceived as annoying to the gift-giver if the gift-opener, upon opening a gift of clothing, ignores the style, color, and size of the clothing and goes straight for the made in label: “Sweet, this one was made in Bahrain. Where’s that?”

- Opening clothes has never been more fun. It’s like Fantasy Football, but with Christmas gifts and no not-so witty remarks about washed-up running backs.

- I received 0 items of clothing made in the USA and only one from a developed country (Italy).

Kelsey’s Christmas Inventory -

1 Columbia Sweatshirt - Made in Sri Lanka
1 Sweater - Made in China
1 TAPS t-shirt - Made in El Salvador
1 Fancy boy shirt - Made in India
1 GAP dress pants - Made in Bahrain (Score. Don’t think I’ve seen anything made from there before)
1 GAP author-ware cords - Made in Lesotho
2 Chaps shirts - Made in China
1 Fancy boy shirt - Made in China
1 Fancy boy corduroy shirt - Made in India
1 University of Illinois fleece - Made in Bangladesh
1 Gap sweater - Made in China
1 Merino wool hat - Made in Italy

Total items = 13
Total countries = 8

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2 Responses to “My Christmas Inventory”

  1. Rachael Says:

    Not about to win with one pair of boots that came from China via America;-)
    My kids all got handmade socks made with NZ wool (made by yours truly). Does that count for anything?

  2. Kelsey Says:


    Of course that counts for something. Instead of Made in China your kids have socks Made by Mom. I doubt there are too many others that received such a gift. I didn’t. My mom can’t sew.

    Actually, don’t I still owe you something? Even if I don’t, if you send me where I can email you a Where am I Wearing? t-shirt, I’ll do so. Email it to kels00@yahoo.com.

    As for the boots…

    I worked at an outdoor retail store in North Carolina that sold hiking boots. One time someone came in and asked for a pair of boots that were neither leather or made in China. That was a tall order. We had one pair that were called the “Vegans” and they were made in Slovakia. I can’t remember if they bought them. I highly recommend that hikers buy boots because they are comfortable and fit, not where they were made. Twenty miles into a long hike most people could give a darn where their boots were made.

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