Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder


By Kelsey | February 27th, 2007 | 1 Comment »

One of my pre-trip goals is to have the know-how to create audio-slideshows. Mission accomplished!

Windows XP comes with a nifty program called Windows Movie Maker that makes the entire process really easy. The audio is from an old podcast that many of you have heard already recorded using Audacity. I expect the quality of future recordings to be better because I have had more practice reading for the radio and I purchased a nice mic and minidisk recorder.

For the record, I find this recording to be a bit corny. My fiance does to. She really thought the “Kill it! Kill it!” portion of the adventure could use some work. I think I sound like a stoned Mr. Rogers.

I’m hoping to be able to post audio slideshows during the trip.

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One Response to “MeTube”

  1. My T-shirt: Welcome to the Jungle - Travel - Death, Fer de lance Mocoron - Where Am I Wearing? Says:

    […] Want to know what happened that night? Listen to the Audio slideshow or continue to Chapter 1: My T-shirt where you can read it yourself. Category: Travel, Assignments, Audio Slideshows, Country: Honduras, My T-shirt Tags: Assignments, Audio Slideshows, Country: Honduras, Death, Fer de lance, Mocoron, Travel « Contest Update | Home | If you found “My T-shirt: Welcome to the Jungle” useful or interesting, please share it with others by bookmarking it at any of the following sites: .wp-notable_image {border: none;margin-left:5px;}       […]

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