Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Meet Arifakter

By Kelsey | April 20th, 2007 | No Comments


Meet Arifakter. She makes our clothes.

She works 60 hours a week and gets paid .10 cents/hour ($6/week or $24/month). She rents a single room on the 6th floor of a building that looks like it has been gutted by a fire. To afford the $43/month rent, she shares the room with 6 others.

She may work harder and get paid less than mom’s in the USA, but she still has the energy to attend to her daughter’s stubbed toe.


Today, I met many men and women, girls and boys just like Arifakter. They all have their own stories, hopes, and dreams.

I’m in Dhaka until the 29th and I will be spending much of my remaining time meeting the people who make our clothes.

Who are you wearing?

Family Workers

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