Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder


By Kelsey | June 24th, 2007 | 4 Comments »

When it comes to this contest you are all a bunch of losers.

Except for Kyle.

What does he win???? A personal visit from me. That’s right, in the next month or two I will hop on a plane and visit Kyle in Galveston, Texas.

Yeah, yeah, he’s my brother. But if you would have won, I would have visited you, honest.

Bet you wish you’d have entered now.

Category: Travel, My Pants
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4 Responses to “Losers!”

  1. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    O.S.H.I.T, I won!! I’m not sure about the prize though. . . .

  2. Kelsey Says:

    You know it’s the best darn prize ever! We can hold hands and skip on the beach. It will be great!

  3. Jenn Says:

    That IS quite a prize…even I’ve never skipped on the beach with Kyle. Be warned Kels, sometime nefarious things lurk on the beach at night. Get your ninja skills ready.

  4. Kelsey Says:

    No one messes with two dudes skipping on the beach holding hands. They no better.

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