Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Look Ma! WAIW? is on Amazon!!

By Kelsey | May 22nd, 2008 | 5 Comments »

I did a little dance when THIS popped up in my Google update for “Where am I Wearing?”. I tried to leave an “I love it” five-star rating, but it doesn’t show up. I suppose that Amazon won’t let you rate a book before it’s been published. Currently, I’m the only one that knows it’s worthy of an “I love it”. Hopefully, my editor is too. I talk to him soon.

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5 Responses to “Look Ma! WAIW? is on Amazon!!”

  1. Jenn Says:

    Wahoo!!! I already added it to my Amazon wish list. Congrats, Kels!

  2. Kent Says:

    That’s exciting. They’re on top of the game.

  3. Kelsey Says:

    Jenn, Wish list??? You mean you didn’t pre-order 30 copies?

    Kent, So far Wiley has been awesome to work with. Although, the editing process is just about to begin, so you might want to check back in a few weeks.

  4. Rachael Says:

    I like the chapter I’ve read!
    Not that you’re likely to get this comment!!

  5. Kelsey Says:

    Thanks Rachel. I apologize that all of your comments go to SPAM. Apparently, there are loads of online terrorists from New Zealand and the site doesn’t like your IP. I’ll continue to rescue them as they come in.

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