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Kelsay scores touchdown for Bills

By Kelsey | October 8th, 2007 | No Comments

If you are watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, you saw the Bills defensive lineman Kelsay intercept a pass and score a touchdown. Annie and I saw the Bills’ throwback jersey he is wearing being made during our factory visit in Perry.

During the tour I was secretly hoping they would give me a Kelsay jersey because it was manly and almost had my name on it. See, most of the things that have, or almost have, my name on them are usually pink. In fact, sometimes I even get registered for conferences as Countess Kelsey.

Go Bills! I’m sure the citizens of Perry are rooting for you. And if you could please double up Terrell Owens because if he scores over 19 fantasy points “The Gods of War” my fantasy team will drop to 2-2 on the season.

Category: Travel, Country: USA
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