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Job Opening: Cambodian Garment Industry

By Kelsey | March 13th, 2007 | No Comments

If I were one of those hardcore investigative journalists, I might consider taking this job in the garment industry.


I’m not.

The job, working for a garment factory that supplies Levis and the GAP among others, is based out of Phnom Penh. It has a rather vague title, Financial Controller, and a daunting list of responsibilities: Financial management, Imports and stores, Shipping, Personnel and Compliance, Administration and Security. To me it sounds like you would be an overworked middle manager with way too much to do.

The position requires “no experience.” Great, I’m qualified. It also says that applicants must speak good English and good Spanish. Well, now that sure makes sense. You don’t need to know the local language, but you do need to know Spanish. Guess I’m not so qualified after all.

My all-American Levi’s were MADE IN CAMBODIA and it sounds like this company just might be the place where they were given legs.

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