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It’s a warped world

By Kelsey | March 5th, 2007 | 1 Comment »

Know what’s great? Smart people and their mathematics.

Somewhere some smart person is plugging away at his unbalanced multi-linear differential equation (if there is such a thing), thinking up something that will make the rest of us scratch our heads and say “Cool,” at which point we’ll scratch our butt and continue with our own research – determining which nostril we can shoot Skittles farther with (have you noticed that the purple one’s seem to travel farther…me too…for the good of all mankind we should combine our research efforts).

The Worldmapper Project must have a lot of smart people working on it because their maps are super cool. Here’s what they’ve done in their own words (I’m too dumb to explain it):

The maps…are equal area cartograms, otherwise known as density-equalising maps. The cartogram re-sizes each territory according to the variable being mapped.

Here are two examples:

Toy Exports or We don’t like to share

Toy imports or Gimme

The best part is not only do you learn about the world, you can laugh at puckered continents and swollen countries.

I searched their site for awhile and have yet to find a map that had anything to do with Skittles or nostrils. The work of smart people is never done.

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