Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Is it bad when you can’t remember the title of your own book?

By Kelsey | May 24th, 2008 | No Comments

Really, should I be seeking help?

I can remember the whole Where am I Wearing? part, but it’s the subtitle that always gets me. Let me look it up…

Oh, there it is…A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People that Make our Clothes

The problem I’m having is that we’ve (editor, editor’s assistant, Marketing gurus, Me) considered many different subtitles. The one I originally submitted was: A Global Quest to Meet the People who Made my Clothes. They thought Quest was a little too esoteric so we tried several others. Here’s just a few of the many, many variation of subtitles that were tossed around of the lists I submitted:

A Factory Tour to the Countries that Make America’s Clothes

A Global Quest to Meet the People that Make America’s Clothes

A Journey to the Countries that Make America’s Clothes

A Search for the People that Make America’s Clothes

A Search for the Factories & People that Make America’s Clothes.

Quest became Journey. Journey became Search. Search became Tour.

My Clothes became America’s Clothes, America’s Clothes became Our Clothes.

So, this is why I can’t remember the name of the book I’ve written. I suppose it still isn’t a very good excuse.

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