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In the Christian Science Monitor: My story on Fantasy Kingdom

By Kelsey | November 15th, 2007 | 5 Comments »

My latest contribution to the CSM is in today’s paper.

Read: Was it a frivolous gift or a lifelong dream?

So, was it a frivolous gift or a lifelong dream? Let me know.

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5 Responses to “In the Christian Science Monitor: My story on Fantasy Kingdom”

  1. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    Great story, Kels, and I’m guessing, a welcome break from posing as an underwear buyer.

  2. Kent Says:

    Shoes wear out, memories don’t.

  3. Kelsey Says:

    The bad thing about Fantasy Kingdom is that it’s located spitting distance from the factory I had gone undercover at just a few days previous. I guess no one recognized me. They were probably working.

    Kent — Well put.

  4. Amy Says:

    Wow… well written and wonderful story. Makes me wish I would have been able to give $60 for you to take 20 more kids during that visit.

  5. Kelsey Says:

    Amy, 20 more kids would have been quite the handful. My translator, Ruma, would have killed me.

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