Where Am I Wearing?
Let your mind wonder
High school ME
Remember high school YOU? The one that went to a Spanish Club meeting once, but once was enough to put it on your list of activities on your college application?
You thought you were so cool. But you weren’t.
Today, my mom was cleaning out some files on her computer and found my list of activities during my four years of high school. I was a Who’s Who (lame give-us-money-to-be-in-our-book scam if there ever was one), alter boy, Quizz bowl, basketball player.
Hell, I was an angel.
Meet High school me! (the formatting is a little screwed up, apparently I didn’t know how to make columns on word)
School and Community Activities
Freshman / Sophomore
Basketball-captain J.V. Basketball - Co.capt.
Student Council Student Council
Golf - “Most Improved” award Art Club
Traveling soccer team - Optimist Club Spanish Club
Statistician-football Science Club
Art Club S.A.D.D.
Spanish Club Quiz Bowl
FFA Who’s Who Boy Scouts Scholastic Team
Alter Boy - St. Mary’s Church Boy Scouts
Timmerman Truss - summer & weekend job Alter Boy - St. Mary’s Church Timmerman Truss - summer & weekend job
Junior / Senior Basketball Basketball
Student Council Art Club
Art Club Science Club
Science Club Spanish Club
Spanish Club - President Literature Club
S.A.D.D. S.A.D.D.
Jr. Class Vice President Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl Scholastic Team
Scholastic Team School News reporter - video
Who’s Who Who’s Who
Boy Scouts Homecoming Court
Alter Boy - St. Mary’s Church Boy Scouts
Assistant teacher - Pre-school St. Mary’s Timmerman Truss - summer & weekend job
Timmerman Truss - summer & weekend job
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June 4th, 2008 at 8:01 am
Man, you were a keeeeener! I was all about sitting in the cafeteria listening to angry music on my Walkman and deliberately not joining stuff.
However, I also thought I was so cool. And wasn’t. So we all have that in common.
June 4th, 2008 at 9:25 am
I’m not sure what a keener is, but, yeah, I probably was one. A lot of the list is college application fluff.
I vaguely remember a literature club - we met once and watched a movie.
I was the Spanish Club president, but only ever attended one meeting and…here’s the kicker…I didn’t speak a lick of Spanish.
The fluff worked. I got accepted to college. Suckers!
June 5th, 2008 at 6:54 pm
Kels, you bring shame to the Spanish Club…I was Spanish National Honor Society pres at my school and I did A LOT of work. But since we both got to put Spanish pres on our college applications, maybe I\’m the sucker here (but a dignified sucker, thank you).
June 5th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
One time the Spanish Club went to Casa Rodriguez. I ordered a burrito. That’s the only thing I remember about Spanish Club. De nada muy mucho.