Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Heavy stuff

By Kelsey | April 3rd, 2008 | 5 Comments »

It’s one thing to have an idea in your head, but it’s a whole other (super cool) thing to hold that idea in your hand.

The heavy lifting of the writing process is done and I’m about to begin the very undigital process of marking my manuscript to shreds with a red pen. It’s due to Wiley on April 15th, which should be plenty of time to find the sucky parts and make them not suck and to make the good parts better.

There will be carnage. 13,000 words must die and I won’t hesitate to kill them.

Have a sneak peak…

The 1st word of the book = I
The last word = story

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5 Responses to “Heavy stuff”

  1. Brent Says:


    Congrats! Here I am worried about getting my taxes in by the 15th, and you’re worried about delivering a manuscript! You win, hands down!!

    If you ever make your way back to S Florida look me up….I’d love to buy you a beer and toast to the book.

    Best of luck!


  2. Melissa Says:

    Looking forward to what is between “I” and “story”!

    Was thinking of you-just received an e-mail survey from Wiley. It was from their textbook division, but in the “other comments” box it was tempting to write something like, “The smartest move Wiley has made in the past year was signing Kelsey Timmerman.” :)

  3. Lynne Says:

    I thought that this photo was to be your mom proudly holding the manuscript? Who is going to play me in the movie?

  4. Kelsey Says:

    Thanks Brent.

    Melissa, I’m sure they would have responded “Who’s Kelsey Timmerman?”

    Lynne, I figure the mother in Everybody Loves Raymond will play you — not that a movie will every happen.

  5. Lynne Says:

    Kels, obviously I need to be involved in the casting!

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