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Happy Birthday Garfield!

By Kelsey | June 19th, 2007 | 3 Comments »

Garfield's Birthday

I don’t remember birthdays. Sorry if I missed yours. But this is one I remember each year. I don’t know why. I just do.

Garfield is about 9 months older than me. That makes him 29. I own every Garfield collection of comics from 1-35. I have several that have been autographed by Jim Davis, Garfield’s creator, who I met when I was about 8 and who, incidentally, lives just outside of Muncie, Indiana, where Annie and I bought our home.

I also have a Garfield pajama bag that would be one of the first things I grab on the way out in the event of a fire.

I know you were all thinking that I was uber-manly, but now you know I have a softer side.

Category: Travel, My Life
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3 Responses to “Happy Birthday Garfield!”

  1. Lynne Says:

    Speaking of your Garfield pj bag; you’ll be glad to know there have been no new additions to Garfield while you have been gone!

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Always good news.

    (Note: anyone reading this that is lost, sorry, you’ll just have to remain lost on this one.)

  3. monik Says:


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